all postcodes in SA18 / AMMANFORD

find any address or company within the SA18 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA18 3LZ 13 0 51.83967 -4.047777
SA18 3AB 25 10 51.793269 -3.988596
SA18 3AD 1 1 51.793139 -3.988344
SA18 3AF 37 18 51.79363 -3.989584
SA18 3AG 1 1 51.794374 -3.990298
SA18 3AJ 34 0 51.815219 -4.010832
SA18 3AL 3 1 51.793017 -3.988657
SA18 3AN 29 2 51.791927 -3.992467
SA18 3AP 5 3 51.792064 -3.995943
SA18 3AQ 30 0 51.815313 -4.010038
SA18 3AR 7 0 51.793173 -3.994731
SA18 3AS 31 2 51.794561 -3.995686
SA18 3AT 30 0 51.79507 -3.995346
SA18 3AU 10 0 51.79411 -3.993636
SA18 3AW 32 0 51.792147 -3.994898
SA18 3AX 2 0 51.818465 -4.009719
SA18 3AY 8 1 51.794862 -3.992234
SA18 3BA 44 0 51.795278 -3.993702
SA18 3BB 0 51.794317 -3.992558
SA18 3BD 2 51.793549 -3.993336